
Most Popular Questions

We help you see the world differently, discover opportunities you may never have imagined and achieve results that bridge what is with what can be.

Why to Choose Newcapital?

Our solutions are designed as per the client’s requirements as we provide the expert solutions.

What will it cost to get a website?

It’s totally depends upon your requirement and what kind of additional features you want. Once these things are clear to us we can help you better as per your requirements.

Who Will Manage The Website Afterwards?

We make the website in such a way that it becomes easier for you to manage the website all by yourself. You can add, edit and update content and pages from your website easily. Or if you want we can give you further support also.

Can you provide services to me. I am a starter.

We have a vision to help everyone whether you are a fresh starter, Small entrepreneur or a Big Brand. We are available for all.

I Am Not From your country, Can I Still Order From You?

No it’s not mandatory! it does not matter to us if you are from Mumbai or Indian resident or for that matter any part of Globe. We have even had clients from all over the world and all our work and transaction went smoothly.

Do you offer discounts?

Yes! It totally depends upon your plan. when you choose combo plan, you can always reach for the discounts.

What other services do you offer?

The services we provide include logos, website designing, website coding, content writing, search engine optimization for the website, website marketing using PPC and Social Media Marketing and email marketing as well.

Do I pay monthly or annually?

Well, It’s totally your wish. However I suggest you to pay monthly as it will be easy for you too.

How is the scope of a consulting project determined?

In healthy companies, changing directions or launching new projects means combining underlying strengths and capacities with new energy and support.

Can I cancel at any time?

Yes you can!

Do you offer EMI services?

Yes! Our monthly plan is as similar to EMI as your convenience is much important for us.

Which methods of payment do you accept?

We facilitate all types of online payments like NEFT, UPI, Gpay, Paytm etc as your convenience.

Looking for a First-Class Finance Firm?

We welcome and celebrate different perspectives to help our firm, our clients and our people.

flexible pricing plans

Choose The Best Plan

In healthy companies, changing directions or launching new projects means combining underlying strengths and capacities with new.

Billed Monthly Billed Yearly
basic plan

$ 69


Discover the emerging technologies most relevant to your strategy by working.
  • Support Your Business
  • Revoke Dokument Access
  • Detailed Risk Profiling
  • Enter Unlimited Bils
  • Bank Transactions
  • Financial Strategy
Choose Plane
pro plan

$ 89


Discover the emerging technologies most relevant to your strategy by working.
  • Support Your Business
  • Revoke Dokument Access
  • Detailed Risk Profiling
  • Enter Unlimited Bils
  • Bank Transactions
  • Financial Strategy
Choose Plane
basic plan

$ 699


Discover the emerging technologies most relevant to your strategy by working.
  • Support Your Business
  • Revoke Dokument Access
  • Detailed Risk Profiling
  • Enter Unlimited Bils
  • Bank Transactions
  • Financial Strategy
Choose Plane
pro plan

$ 899


Discover the emerging technologies most relevant to your strategy by working.
  • Support Your Business
  • Revoke Dokument Access
  • Detailed Risk Profiling
  • Enter Unlimited Bils
  • Bank Transactions
  • Financial Strategy
Choose Plane